The begininig of Teachers’ Training institute was the stepping in of CMC.that has taken liberation and faith formation of women and children as its special mission.Teacher training institute was started in 1952 under High Schoolrealizing the truth that society can be moduled by dedicated and service minded women.It also grasp the importance and mission of women in the field of education.It’s leadership was shouldered by Rev.sr.Mary euphresia who was then the H.M of High School on 1958 the training institute was separated from H.S section as the course took charge as the Head mistress.
govt approved to include two divisions for each batch from 1964 onwards and in the same year itself the training was shifted to the new building and started functioning as residental institution .On1968 Mother mary celine retired from the post of Head mistress and Rev.Sr.Vincent was appointed newly.The institution was successfully lead through a tedious path and it witnessed movlding excellent teachers Rev.sr.Vincent retired on 1990.She was followed by Rev.sr.Little Flower(1990-2001),Rev.sr.Mary Margret(2001-2003),Rev.sr.Stella Maria(2003-2005),Rev.Sr.Annie Joe(2005-2020) in leading the institution through spiritual and academic excellence.
From 2020 onwards Rev.sr.Mable Joe(Mercy Joseph) is leading this istitution with the motto-To be enlightened and to enlighten all the inmates teachers and the student trainees flourish luminously.
In 2013,the name of the course TTC has changed as Ded name of the institution as St.Joseph’s I .T. E karukutty.In 2018 the name again changed as D.El.Ed.